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The Mantaray Team |
The Mantaray Team is a collaboration of individual companies offering services in integrated regional action planning under Mantaray Management LLC. The team includes Indigo Development, Murray Sustainable Development Group, Weber Sustainability Consulting, Emphasis Plan, Inc., Ecoindustry Solutions, the Catalyst Institute, and Mantaray Management itself. Ernest Lowe Ernest Lowe is Director of Indigo Development. He has played a central role in creating the concept of eco-industrial parks (EIP) as a model for local sustainable development. Current work also includes whole systems approaches to sustainable farming and high performance building design. He is Eco-Industrial and Rural Development Director of the International Center for Sustainable Development in Maryland as well as an Associate of the Environmental Education Media Project in Beijing. He is conducting a strategic review of South Korea’s national initiative to transform all of its industrial parks into eco-industrial parks. He led capacity development workshops and presented at the 2nd and 3rd International Conferences on Eco-industrial Parks in Seoul and the Eco-Polis Symposium in Ulsan, a major heavy industry city in southeast Korea. Lowe has been active in eco-industrial development work in Asia since 1998. He has worked with the Dalian Development Zone in an eco-planning process for a 430-sq km economic and technological development zone in Northeast China and the planning of an eco-industrial park there. This process explicitly linked the eco-industrial park with fulfillment of the Zone’s obligation to model the Circular Economy mandated by Liaoning Province. Lowe has led seminars and workshops on eco-industrial development in five Asian countries and served as: industrial ecologist on an Asian Development Bank project promoting cleaner production in industrial estates in Sri Lanka. He has been strategic planning consultant for eco-industrial park developments in Northern California, New York, Puerto Rico, Texas, Maryland, West Virginia, Johannesburg South Africa, Thailand, the Philippines, China and Vietnam. He has also worked as strategic planner with Sandia National Laboratory and Science Applications International Corporation on developing their industrial ecology research agendas and consulting practices. Richard Stevenson Richard S. Stevenson brings 36 years of professional work addressing policy, technical and institutional issues in environmental management systems, cleaner production, industrial ecology, ISO 14001 certification, renewable energy sources, private power generation and distributed energy planning. He has 22 years experience in international program management, establishing and directing complex technical and management programs for industry and government. In business and trade development he has 25 years of experience promoting international trade and investments and establishing business ventures in innovative technology, environment and private power. Much of Stevenson’s experience was gained while living in Asia, the Pacific, Africa, and the Middle East for over 20 years. Stevenson has managed major projects in cleaner production, regional planning, and environmental management systems for Asian Development Bank, World Bank, Louis Berger Associates, International Resources Group, United Nations Industrial Development Organization, and US-AID. He was team leader for a year-long contract of IRG Ltd. to the Asian Development Bank (ADB) to integrate concepts and practices of CP into industrial development in Sri Lanka. The project had a special focus on achieving CP through improved management in industrial estates and included pre-feasibility studies of two estates with elements of eco-industrial park design. Stevenson led development of national policy, strategy and an action plan to promote the achievement of CP across all sectors of Sri Lankan industry and services. As Vice President for Asia of Energy Resources International, Inc. he directed conventional and renewable energy projects in Sri Lanka, Pakistan, and the Philippines. Ivan Weber Ivan Weber is an eco-industrial planner with extensive experience in environmental planning and land use planning/management for both urban and rural settings. From 1992 to 2001 he was contractor for Kennecott Utah Copper Corporation, a subsidiary of Rio Tinto (worldwide diversified mining company), performing environmental analysis, planning, reporting and design services for a large mining property nearing closure. Functions included ecological restoration planning and construction, damaged lands reclamation, wetlands for water treatment, source control construction management and regulatory reporting, and environmental contracts management. Weber’s expertise and interests also include: Ecological restoration, remediation, and reclamation of damaged-lands; sustainable forest certification, reforestation, constructed wetlands for water quality, wetlands restoration and landscaping for habitat enhancement, with an emphasis on landscape-scale ecological functions and values, and mined-lands/waters restoration. Environmentally responsible design and construction: Founding Chairman, US Green Building Council-Utah (officially the “USGBC-Utah Organizing Group”) and accredited to administer the US Green Building Council’s “LEED” 2.0/2.1 green building certification system. He was a core team member of the Circular Economy eco-planning team for Dalian Development Zone in Northeast China led by Ernest Lowe. He focused on biomass, bioenergy, renewable energy, integrated materials economy planning, and interpretation of the concept of carrying capacity in the Chinese context. He has closely followed development of the Circular Economy initiative in China. Weber's activies in eco-industrial development have included: Conceptual planning of a biomass-based eco-industrial park in Dalian, China, Dalian Development Zone (DDZ), with Indigo Development; Eco-industrial park pre-feasibility study for Spencer, WV client, integrating bioenergy, sustainable forestry and value-added forest products as economic development drivers; Industrial ecology analysis of agricultural waste challenges and opportunities for CRESTech, Ontario, Canada, focusing on biotechnology screening, integrated with farm and animal lot waste best-management practices development for sustainable farm models in Ontario Province. He has a B.A. degree in Asian studies, history and anthropology, in addition to earth sciences and graduate work in Asian Studies. Mary Jane Vreeland, AICP Mary Jane Vreeland, has been the President of Emphasis Plan, Inc., in Vero Beach, Florida since 1987. Her company focuses on international professional land planning: specializing in acquisition of project entitlements, including project management, jurisdictional agency approvals, concurrency review and assessment, comprehensive plan policy analysis and land development regulation amendments, expert witness testimony, and preparation of Applications for Development Approval for Developments of Regional Impact. Clients include the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, the City of Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, Huizenga Holdings, Inc., and GoldenTree Asset Management, L.P. Ms. Vreeland has been the Town Planner of Orchid, Florida since 1990. She is the author of the town’s comprehensive plan and land development regulations; and is responsible for all town planning activities, including land development application review, special projects, i.e., preparation of evaluation and appraisal reports, feasibility analyses, and grant applications. In the eighties she was a Senior Planner with CCL Consultants, Inc., Vero Beach, Florida where she coordinated and prepared planning elements of large-scale land development projects; and was Development Section Chief – Indian River County, Florida with responsibility for this Section of the Community Development Department. Her responsibilities including section management, review of land development applications, interpretation of regulations, and presentations to elected and appointed boards of officials. Scott A. Murray Scott A. Murray, President of Murray Sustainable Development Group and Murray Farms, has built upon his success as an organic farmer for over 30 years to develop a consulting practice in Sustainable Farming and Agro-Eco-Industrial planning and development. While operating his organic farming business, he consults on the conversion of chemically dependant farms to sustainable agricultural practices.Through soil building, optimized water use, better land use planning and smart growth strategies, he helps farmers achieve a profitable transition to organic and sustainable practices. Murray has been growing organic food and selling to top restaurants nationwide since 1974. Murray is currently working with Burnquist Organics to develop and market a new line of organic foods for national sales. Murray designed and developed the handling and bio-safety systems for a $ 1.5 million dollar culinary herb processing, cooling, packaging and shipping facility built near Mexico City. His farm participates in an international sustainable agriculture training program, hosting and training interns and study tours. Currently Mr. Murray is developing a unique and innovative agricultural program that involves designing and planting an organic agricultural system for the San Pasqual Academy. This foster care group home and high school for 120 teenagers is located on a 238 acre farm in San Diego County. Mr. Murray is teaching action courses that allow students to earn credit and internship income by working on transitioning the land to an organic farm that will provide most of the produce, eggs and much of the grass fed meat the students will eat on campus in 2006. Mr. Murray also serves as officer for the South Coast Resource Conservation District and two San Diego area watershed councils. Andreas W. Koenig Andreas W. Koenig is an independent consultant for eco-industrial development, based near Frankfurt, Germany. Through his company Ecoindustry Solutions, he provides expertise to public and private clients on Sustainable Development Concepts, Environmental Management and Environmental Policy and Technology Transfer issues. He is also senior associate of Indigo Development, California. His application of industrial ecology in sustainable industrial development draws upon 20 years of consulting for the bi-lateral aid agency, the German Technical Cooperation Agency (GTZ) and earlier with the German Development Service. He worked on resource management and industry-related projects throughout Asia, North Africa, the Middle East and the Caribbean. He has extensive experience in the identification, formulation, management and implementation of technical cooperation programs in developing countries, working with environmental and industrial institutions in Europe, North America and the UN system. He has been working with public and private sector institutions in promoting technology transfer in environmental and resource recovery technologies. Mr. Koenig has developed and implemented a number of Eco-Industrial Park programs and initiatives with public and private developers in Asia. With Indigo Development, he is presently working with the Korean Eco-Industrial Park Program at the Korean National Cleaner Production Center (KNCPC) in policy development and capacity building for five industrial complexes in Korea, including the largest industrial facilities. In recent years he served as Eco-Industrial Park Specialist for the EU-China Environmental Management Cooperation Programme (EMCP) in Beijing, and as Senior Consultant for the three-year Thai-German Eco-Industrial Development Project with the Industrial Estate Authority of Thailand (IEAT) in Bangkok. Both positions included consultation to several major industrial parks on their eco-industrial development plans, capacity development and policy advice to senior decision makers in government and industry. Building on an international network with Eco-Industrial Park experts and management entities, he has promoted Eco-Industrial Development in the Asia-Pacific region through knowledge management, capacity building, conferences, and networking events. He also served as Program Coordinator for the Eco-Industrial Estate Asia Network (EIEAsia) in Manila. Anita M. Burke Anita M. Burke is Director, Catalyst Institute. Until recently, Anita M. Burke has worked for Shell International as a Senior Advisor – Sustainable Development and Climate Change. Her 18 years experience in the oil industry include: tool pusher North Slope of Alaska, offshore and onshore development permitting and social engagement, regional manager for environmental litigation and remediation for the retail services business, Project Director for Waste Management of the EXXON Valdez oil spill, refinery environmental and safety manager and recently as advisory to the Shell International Committee of Managing Directors on the opreationalisation of sustainable development and the energy portfolio implications of a carbon constrained future. Ms. Burke is internationally recognized as a business leader in the area of organizational change and transformation. She is a frequent speaker on the topic of how to deliver change and profits by reducing/eliminating ecological and social footprints of existing hydrocarbon industrial infrastructures and new exploration. She has a proven track record in all aspects of the upstream and downstream portions of the oil business for delivering profitable technologies and organizational processes that deliver on the sustainable development and climate change strategic vision. Her educational background in physics and environmental science bring a dynamic whole systems approach to problems of energy futures; one nested in Natural Capitalism and the basic underpinnings of nature as a model for systemic and profitable outcomes. back to iintegrative regional action planning IRAP realms of action |Indigo Site Map ![]() | |
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